Have you witnessed intentional cheating?
If you have seen a player cheating, we need to know!
Reports of cheating, on their own, don't do much - we know!
But if a particular player is noted to be cheating across various games, this gives us valuable information to be able to start a conversation with them/their captain about it and address it.
Please keep these as short and to the point as you can, the more personal feeling and unnecessary speculation you put in, the harder it is for us to use these reports to engage in meaningful conversation with the players in question. Just report the facts, as you see them and only use the "Details" section if your report needs some context.
It may not be malicious, they may be confused by a rule, or struggle with body awareness, but it still needs to be addressed!
Remember, cheating is not limited to simply not taking your outs! It includes anything that breaks the rules to gain an advantage.
Stepping on the line and not leaving the court, Illegal ball retrieval, accepting the refs calling them safe - when they know they were hit.
Intent is everything. If someone was clipped on the shirt or stepped on the line and was not aware of it, they have not cheated.
Please dont report anything that the person would not have reasonably been aware of.
However, if their team-mates saw this and did not inform them, then they have cheated.
Keep each other honest, keep each other having fun and respect our sport!
For information on WHY this is so important to our sport, please click the link below to ADF's "The effects of cheating".
Please be aware that we will not follow up with you on these reports unless we deem it necessary, these are considered FYI's for the executive committee and will be kept confidential (name blanked out) should we have conversations with offending players about them.
Reports of cheating, on their own, don't do much - we know!
But if a particular player is noted to be cheating across various games, this gives us valuable information to be able to start a conversation with them/their captain about it and address it.
Please keep these as short and to the point as you can, the more personal feeling and unnecessary speculation you put in, the harder it is for us to use these reports to engage in meaningful conversation with the players in question. Just report the facts, as you see them and only use the "Details" section if your report needs some context.
It may not be malicious, they may be confused by a rule, or struggle with body awareness, but it still needs to be addressed!
Remember, cheating is not limited to simply not taking your outs! It includes anything that breaks the rules to gain an advantage.
Stepping on the line and not leaving the court, Illegal ball retrieval, accepting the refs calling them safe - when they know they were hit.
Intent is everything. If someone was clipped on the shirt or stepped on the line and was not aware of it, they have not cheated.
Please dont report anything that the person would not have reasonably been aware of.
However, if their team-mates saw this and did not inform them, then they have cheated.
Keep each other honest, keep each other having fun and respect our sport!
For information on WHY this is so important to our sport, please click the link below to ADF's "The effects of cheating".
Please be aware that we will not follow up with you on these reports unless we deem it necessary, these are considered FYI's for the executive committee and will be kept confidential (name blanked out) should we have conversations with offending players about them.